January 2025
- Wed 1All dayNew Year's Day holiday (University offices officially closed)New Year's Day holiday (University offices officially closed)
- Wed 1All dayWinter Break Closure (University officially closed 12/23-1/1)Winter Break Closure (University closed 12/23-1/1)
- Thu 9All dayBobcat Student Orientation for all new spring semester transfer studentsBobcat Student Orientation for new transfer students entering Spring Semester 2024-25 (Thu, January 9, 2025)BSO is required for all incoming students.This program is for incoming transfer students entering in the spring semester. For more information and a link to sign up, visit: https://www.ohio.edu/orientation.
- Thu 9All dayResidence halls open 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Eastern for new first-year and new transfer studentsResidence halls open 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Eastern for new first-year and new transfer students
- Fri 10All dayBobcat Student Orientation for all new spring semester first-year studentsBobcat Student Orientation (BSO) for new first-year students entering Spring Semester 2024-25BSO is required for all incoming students. This program is for incoming first-year students entering in the spring semester. For more information and a link to sign up, visit: https://www.ohio.edu/orientation.
- Fri 10All dayResidence halls open 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Eastern for new first-year and new transfer studentsResidence halls open 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Eastern for new first-year and new transfer students
- Sat 11All dayResidence halls open at 9:00 a.m. Eastern for returning studentsResidence halls open at 9:00 a.m. Eastern for returning students
- Sun 12All dayFirst meal served on board plan (brunch)First meal served on board plan (brunch)www.ohio.edu/food/
- Sun 12All dayLast day to cancel registration for spring semesterLast day to cancel registration for spring semester (remove all courses and fees).Cancellation of registration is defined as dropping all classes before the first day of classes. This is determined by the earliest start date of any of your classes taken during the session/semester.Withdrawal from the University is defined as dropping all classes on or after the earliest start date of any of your classes taken during the session/semester. This means all regular Ohio University classes for which you are registered, whether on one campus or multiple campuses. You must go to the student services office in your college or regional campus student services office to initiate the withdrawal process. Graduate students must contact the Graduate College. Withdrawal from the University is not permitted on or after the last day of classes, as determined by the earliest end date of any of your classes taken during the session/semester.Note: Canceling your class registration does not cancel your housing. You are required to make an appointment with a Residence Life staff member in your building prior to your scheduled check out date and time to properly check out of your room, sign your Room Condition Report (RCR), and return all keys. If you have canceled your class registration, you are no longer eligible to reside on campus and must move out completely within 48 hours.International students (F-1 or J-1 status) must contact the Office of International Student and Faculty Services (ISFS), 740.593.4330, prior to withdrawing from the University. Failure to do so may lead to serious immigration problems.
- Sun 12All dayResidence halls open at 9:00 a.m. Eastern for returning studentsResidence halls open at 9:00 a.m. Eastern for returning students
- Sun 12All dayReturning students withdrawing spring semester must check out of residence halls no later than 10:00 p.m. Eastern to receive a full refund of room and board chargesReturning students withdrawing spring semester must check out of residence halls no later than 10:00 p.m. Eastern to receive a full refund of room and board charges
- Mon 13All dayApplication for Graduation available for students graduating spring semesterApplication for Graduation available for students graduating spring semester. Be sure to apply by the February 17, 2025 deadline. For more information, please visit the University Registrar's Graduation page.
- Mon 13All daySpring semester opening date - classes begin on all campusesSpring semester opening date - classes begin on all campuses
- Fri 17All dayLast day to add a spring full semester class without instructor's approvalLast day to add a spring full semester class without instructor's approval.To register, use My OHIO Student Center (which may be accessed from My OHIO portal --Academics tab).For detailed registration instructions: www.ohio.edu/registrar/registerFor questions, contact Registrar Services, first floor, Chubb Hall, or email registration@ohio.edu
- Fri 17All dayLast day to decrease meal plan for spring semesterLast day to decrease meal plan for spring semesterwww.ohio.edu/food/
- Sat 18All dayLast day to check out of residence hall to receive 80% housing/dining refundLast day to check out of residence hall to receive 80% housing/dining refund. Visit the MyHousing portal to complete this action.
- Mon 20All dayMartin Luther King, Jr. Day holiday (University offices officially closed; classes not in session)Martin Luther King, Jr. Day holiday (University offices officially closed; classes not in session).Note:Residence halls will remain open. Visit the Culinary Services website to find exact hours of operation for the dining halls. Visit the University Libraries website to find exact hours of operation for the Libraries.
- Tue 21All dayLast day to enroll in spring semester 3-installment monthly payment planThe Office of the Bursar offers a payment plan option for students who are unable to pay their tuition and fees by the first due date of a semester. Students/authorized users may enroll in an installment payment plan each semester, after charges for that semester have posted. Students who wish to enroll may do so by logging into their My OHIO Student Center and, under the Finances section, selecting ‘Enroll in Payment Plan’ from the drop-down menu. Authorized users may also enroll through the Authorized User Portal. www.ohio.edu/bursar/payment-plan
- Tue 21All daySpring semester monthly payment plan installment #1 dueSpring semester monthly payment plan installment #1 due. Online payments must be initiated monthly through the My OHIO Student Center or the Authorized User portal. Click here to find more information on the payment plan.
- Tue 21All daySpring semester tuition and fees due for students registered by December 31Spring semester tuition and fees due for students registered by December 31
- Fri 24All dayLast day for removing Incomplete grades incurred during last enrollmentLast day for removing Incomplete grades incurred during last enrollment. If not removed, I grade will change to F.Receiving an “I” means that the student has not completed the work required for a regular grade. The student must have the instructor’s permission to receive the Incomplete. The student must complete the work within the first two weeks of his or her next semester of enrollment or two years from the end of the term in which the grade of “I” was given, whichever comes first, or the “I” converts automatically to an “F.” The instructor may at their discretion submit a change of grade request to the Office of the University Registrar. When the student applies for graduation, any Incompletes on the record will be calculated as “F” grades for the purpose of determining eligibility for graduation and will be converted to “F” upon graduation.
- Fri 24All dayLast day to add a spring full semester class (instructor's permission required)Last day to add a spring full semester class (instructor's permission required).If a student is trying to register for a class and is not able to get into it via the My OHIO Student Center, they might be able to request permission to get into the class through an online request. If approved the student will be notified to finish enrolling using the My OHIO Student Center. Enrollment in the class must be finalized by the expiration date on the approved request or by the Friday of the second week of the semester.The class permission process may be used when one or more of the following conditions exist:Permission is required from department/instructor to enroll in class; student does NOT meet requisites but believes they are otherwise prepared to take the course; class is full; permission to add class after the Friday of the first week of the semester; student has reached maximum repeat/retake limit; retaking course in same semester; override major set aside; faculty permission for time conflict.For more information see the Class Permission website.
- Fri 24All dayLast day to apply for or change a grading option for spring semester classLast day to apply for or change a grading option for spring semester class. Credit to audit, audit to credit, pass/fail to regular grade option, or regular grade option to pass/fail.AUDITING A CLASS:You may register to audit classes, which allows you to preview or review courses without receiving a grade or semester hours. Classes taken for audit count in calculating tuition, but they do not carry credit or count toward financial aid eligibility. Audited courses will appear on your official transcript but will not affect your GPA or semester hours earned. Audit courses will not count toward any graduation requirements.Do not confuse auditing a class with taking a class under the pass/fail option.Your instructor may set up specific requirements for auditing the class, and if you do not meet the requirements, you may be removed from the class at your instructor's discretion with a grade of WP or WF. Be sure to discuss your auditing status with your instructor at the first class meeting.A student interested in taking a class under the audit grading option, should register for the class, then contact the student services office in their college or regional campus student services office (by the Friday of the second week of the semester) to complete an audit application. A regular grade course may NOT be changed to audit option and audit course may NOT be changed to regular grade option after the second Friday of the semester.PASS/FAIL GRADING OPTION: A student interested in taking a class under the pass/fail grading option, should register for the class, then contact the student services office in their college or regional campus student services office (by the Friday of the second week of the semester) to complete pass/fail application. A pass/fail request by a regional campus student is reviewed by the appropriate college's student services office on the Athens campus and may be denied if an inappropriate choice has been made. A regular grade course may NOT be changed to pass/fail option and pass/fail course may NOT be changed to regular grade option after the second Friday of the semester.Students may complete no more than 12 semester hours under the pass/fail option. No course taken pass/fail may be used to fulfill any graduation requirement (college, school, or department) other than total hours. To be eligible for the pass/fail option the student must have earned a GPA of 2.5 or better for his/her last semester of full-time enrollment or have an accumulative GPA of 2.0 or better. First semester freshmen are not subject to the GPA requirements. A student may take only one course per semester or summer session pass/fail.Note: Graduate-level courses (5000 and higher) may not be taken under the pass/fail option. Do not confuse the pass/fail option with auditing a class.www.ohio.edu/registrar/grading-and-registration-options
- Fri 24All dayLast day to opt-out of Digital Course Materials for spring semesterLast day to opt-out of Digital Course Materials for spring semester (remove digital content fees associated with Inclusive Access).
- Fri 24All dayLast day to receive partial fee adjustment (80%) of registration fees for complete withdrawal from the UniversityLast day to receive partial fee adjustment (80%) of registration fees for complete withdrawal from the University for spring semester (all spring semester courses removed from the student's academic record)Withdrawal from the University is defined as dropping all classes on or after the earliest start date of any of your classes taken during the session/semester. This means all regular Ohio University classes for which you are registered, whether on one campus or multiple campuses. You must go to the student services office in your college or regional campus student services office to initiate the withdrawal process. Graduate students must contact the Graduate College. Withdrawal from the University is not permitted on or after the last day of classes, as determined by the earliest end date of any of your classes taken during the session/semester.Note: Canceling your class registration does not cancel your housing. You are required to make an appointment with a Residence Life staff member in your building prior to your scheduled check out date and time to properly check out of your room, sign your Room Condition Report (RCR), and return all keys. If you have canceled your class registration, you are no longer eligible to reside on campus and must move out completely within 48 hours.International students (F-1 or J-1 status) must contact the Office of International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS), 740.593.4330, prior to withdrawing from the University. Failure to do so may lead to serious immigration problems.
- Fri 24All dayLast day to register for spring semesterLast day to register for spring semester*Note: Students who are in attendance by this date but fail to complete any registration procedures must pay a $150.00 fine for retroactive registration.
- Fri 24All dayLast day to remove (drop) a class from student's academic record with possible fee adjustmentLast day to remove (drop) a spring semester class from student's academic record with possible fee adjustment. Complete by 5:00 p.m.Note: January 25 – March 28 students may withdraw from one or more spring semester classes, but the course will remain on student's academic record with a withdrawn grade and no fee adjustment.Drops. You may use My OHIO Student Center to drop any class except your last class through the Friday of the second week of the 14-week semester or the Friday of the first week of the session. Classes dropped will not appear on the student’s academic record.If you drop hours through the Friday of the second week of a semester (Friday of the first week of a session), you are entitled to a 100 percent refund of the reduction if the change results in a reduction of registration fees, provided you are not dropping all hours. Changes made after the deadlines will result in no refund. If you are receiving financial aid, a change in enrollment status might result in your having to repay programs from which you received aid.
- Sat 25All dayLast day to check out of residence hall to receive 60% housing/dining refundLast day to check out of residence hall to receive 60% housing/dining refund. Visit the MyHousing portal to complete this action.
- Sat 25All dayStudents may withdraw from (drop) one or more spring semester classes through March 28Students may withdraw from (drop) one or more spring semester classes through March 28 (last day to withdraw from an individual class).Note: Course remains on student's academic record with a withdrawn grade and continues to be used in the calculation of tuition and fees. Corrected registration that results in increased hours could increase tuition.
- Fri 31All dayDeadline to waive spring semester health insurance and/or Student Legal ServiceDeadline to waive spring semester health insurance and/or Student Legal Service.Student Health Insurance: Students enrolled on the Athens Campus for 5 or more credit hours are automatically assessed the Student Health Insurance. You may opt out of the Student Health Insurance if you already have a health insurance provider. If you are eligible to waive the Student Health Insurance, the waiver option and waiver deadline will be available on your My OHIO Student Center once your registration charges have been assessed for the term. A waiver is required only once each academic year.Student Legal Service: The Center for Legal Services (www.studentlegalrights.org) is a law office for Ohio University students. Two licensed attorneys provide students with legal representation, advice, and education. CSLS also provides contract reviews, mediation services and notary service. There is no limit on the number of times students can use the service during the term. Every Athens campus student is automatically enrolled for this service at registration for the term. The waiver option and waiver deadline will be available on your My OHIO Student Center once your registration charges have been assessed for the term. A waiver is required once each term.
- Fri 31All dayDeadline to waive WellBeing Plan for non-OHIO Guarantee studentsDeadline to waive WellBeing Plan for non-OHIO Guarantee students